

Our favourite Quote

Friday, November 20, 2009

T_T of d' 9th

DH's last post before exam.


Jez and Nisa

Me, Wat, Ron and Dd

Mizah and Remy


I'm on behalf DH family, wanna wish GOOD LUCK to all DH's friends in UBD. Do your best in the examination..

All the best to you guys!!

and special for DH family, GOOD LUCK guys! Mudahan apa yang kita pelajari masa kuliah, tutorial and study group dapat diaplikasikan di dalam peperiksaan.. Mudahan kita semua beroleh kejayaan, Amin...

It's our last post before exam. we'll be back after exam, Insya-Allah...


Ani pictures during our study group...
liat tu mental usulnya..
inda ku tau, botol atu melakat arah kepalanya atau ia melakat arah botol atu..ahahaha~

Friday, November 13, 2009

'Raja Ayang' named best drama

'Raja Ayang' (cast pictured above) Thursday took the top spot in a drama competition organised by the UBD Heritage Club. Meanwhile, 'Lela Menchanai' and 'Masap' came in second and third places respectively. The competition, which saw the participation of UBD undergraduates cum Heritage Club members, was held at the CLT of UBD.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

KeZuTan!! untuk Remy..


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Lembah Hijau news in Borneo Bulletin

It's us!!!

link here