'Eleven_Friends' members!! Take note!!
Hai, Bb is here..
Just wanna ask you guys something.. before ani, some of us (kali) yang plan kan gambar bilik masing-masing and post it in our blog.. It's nothing plang, just wanna share how your room looks like with other.. So if you guys agree, take pictures of your room and give it to me.. how? how? You guys agree wanna do it? Just asking.. heheh! I need something to post in our blog bah..
So, just give me the answer aa..
Cerita for today..
Last night, C Ron texted all of us, suruh datang awal..at 830pm..kan disscuss bout Sejarah.. i bet the other datang awal except me.. Hehe! Sorry! There's some technically problem, so nda dapat datang awal.. So, pukul 10 baru tah ku sampai di UBD and dorang lepak arah CLT foyer..
For 'Eleven_Friends' - 'Korean Culture members'- 'Yang ada baju KKC'..please pakai baju KCC for KCC activity tomorrow.
Thank you!
Hai, Bb is here..
Just wanna ask you guys something.. before ani, some of us (kali) yang plan kan gambar bilik masing-masing and post it in our blog.. It's nothing plang, just wanna share how your room looks like with other.. So if you guys agree, take pictures of your room and give it to me.. how? how? You guys agree wanna do it? Just asking.. heheh! I need something to post in our blog bah..
So, just give me the answer aa..
Cerita for today..
Last night, C Ron texted all of us, suruh datang awal..at 830pm..kan disscuss bout Sejarah.. i bet the other datang awal except me.. Hehe! Sorry! There's some technically problem, so nda dapat datang awal.. So, pukul 10 baru tah ku sampai di UBD and dorang lepak arah CLT foyer..
For 'Eleven_Friends' - 'Korean Culture members'- 'Yang ada baju KKC'..please pakai baju KCC for KCC activity tomorrow.
Thank you!
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